EYFS 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hodgkins
Welcome to Reception Class!
We are excited to begin our new year and welcome all of our families to St Clements!
This half term we will be focusing on settling the children into school, learning our routines and building relationships with staff and peers.
We will be starting our phonics and reading journey with our scheme Ready Steady Phonics and will also begin to develop our maths skills through Mastery in Number.
Our topics for this half term will be 'All about me' and 'Autumn.' During our first topic the children will be focusing on the parts of the EYFS curriculum that link to Art and History, thinking about themselves and their families. During our Autumn topic we will be focusing on parts of the curriculum that link to Science and Computing, thinking about seasonal changes and making patterns.
Our RE topic will be 'God's World'. We will be learning about how God created our world and also created all of us, making us unique and special. We will also think about how to care for the world and people that God has created.
Please check your child's Seesaw account for updates on their individual learning and photos and videos of all the excting things they have been doing in school. All messages for parents and information about our class and curriculum will also be shared with you on Seesaw.
If you have any concerns or questions then please speak to us at the beginning or end of the day, email the school office or telephone Mrs Marnell to make an appointment.
Mrs Totterdale